
Each piece is dyed and patterned with plants straight from nature and is entirely unique. 

Leaves and flowers are carefully placed and rolled into the mordanted fabric. Heat and steam are then used to extract their innate colors and prints. This process is often repeated multiple times to create a complex and dynamic effect. 

All materials used are organic or all-natural, i.e., no synthetic fiber. Primarily silk, cotton, and wool. 

Chemicals and manufactured dyes are never used in this process. All the colors and prints come directly from the plants.

Some favorite local plants are:

Black walnut. Goldenrod, Staghorn Sumac berries, Smokebush, Japanese Maple, Queen Annes Lace,

Nettles, and Wild Rose.

This season Biterdock and Hickory leaves are yielding some lovely browns and the flowers of the Coreopsis are an amazing rich orange!